About PHPK
Since 1991, PHPK Technologies has established itself as a major supplier of cryogenic equipment to the global market. From tube size valves to engineered systems, our products are installed at every National Laboratory, NASA facility and throughout Aerospace, Industrial Gas and Semiconductor industries.
We are an ASME Section VIII, Division 1 and 2 approved facility with all welding personnel and procedures ASME Section IX certified. PHPK also maintains the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors Certificate of Authorization “R” stamp for the repair of pressure vessels.
PHPK’S engineering and fabrication services, combined with our complete line of cryogenic components, vacuum jacketed piping and cryopump technology, provide you with unmatched capabilities. For large turnkey applications, space simulation chambers, cryostats, cold boxes, high vacuum chambers, helium refrigeration systems, densification systems, sub-coolers and helium compressors, PHPK is your one source for every cryogenic need.
PHPK Technologies has vertically integrated its machining operations by forming a strategic partnership with Mid-Ohio Products, thereby expanding our machining capabilities, expertise and volume. This relationship has also increased our capacity for product design and development, increased project economy and reduced lead times. Visit Mid-Ohio Products for a complete list of our manufacturing capabilities.