Cryopumps & Refrigerator Systems
PHPK Technologies offers the highest-quality cryopumps and refrigerator systems in the international arena. For more than 40 years, the CVI Torr Master® cryopumping arrays have served many critical applications including 19 of the 20 man-rated space simulation facilities built in this country.
CVI Torr Master® cryopumps meet today’s need for fast, contamination-free, ultra-high vacuum at competitive costs. Benefits include higher capacities for gas cryoabsorption, increased pumping speeds, acceptance of higher radiant heat loads and shorter cooldown and regeneration times.
The Torr Master line is used in fields such as vacuum coating, semiconductor production, particle accelerators, sputter deposition systems, and Molecular Beam Epitaxy.
Our largest pumps are considered the standard in the industry and used primarily in the field of space simulation for ground testing and in particular for the testing of electric propulsion engines.
CVI Torr Master® Refrigerators operate on the Gifford-McMahon cycle principle. These proven units feature an easily field-serviced drive mechanism and are ideal for a range of industrial cooling applications including superconductivity and low temperature physics.
Contact PHPK Technologies today for more information about our industry-standard cryopumps and refrigerator systems.